Library Policies
Behavior Policy
A behavior policy has been established at the Sloan Public Library in order to provide a safe and pleasant environment for all library patrons.
Prohibited behavior includes any illegal activity and may include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Access: Impeding access to library resources, premises or an area of the premises, or blocking access to library materials for extended periods of time. No animals, bicycles, or personal items may be left in in library entrances or walkways. No entry is permitted to non-public or locked areas, unless accompanied by a staff member or through prior authorization from a staff member.
2. Animals: Bringing animals into the library, except those trained to assist individuals with disabilities, or authorized by the Director or designee.
3. Audio: Using personal electronic devices, either with or without earphones, at a level that disrupts library operations. When using a cell phone, patrons should speak in low tones and keep conversations brief. If phone calls cannot be conducted quickly, patrons should move away from the reading, research and study areas.
4. Behavior: Any loud, boisterous or disruptive manner that is not solely caused by a disability or behavior that endangers or could endanger the safety or health of patrons or staff. Willfully annoying, harassing, or threatening another person is prohibited in the library.
5. Unattended Children: The safety of children on library premises is a serious concern of the library staff. However, the responsibility for the safety and behavior of children on library premises rests with the parent, guardian or responsible childcare provider and not with the library staff. Children 8 and under must be accompanied by a parent or responsible guardian over the age of 12.
6. Damages: Using library areas, furniture, or equipment for other than their designated use as well as theft, vandalism or the deliberate destruction of library materials and property or the personal property of other patrons or staff is not permitted. This also includes maliciously accessing, altering, deleting, damaging, or destroying any computers, peripherals, computer systems, networks, computer programs or data. Violators can be held liable for damages, and parents can be held liable for damage done by a child under the age of 18.
7. Food/Beverages: Eating and drinking is allowed in the library, if done responsibly. Consuming food and beverages in such a way that could damage the library building, materials, or furniture is not permitted. Food and beverages near library equipment must be covered with a secure lid.
8. Tobacco/Alcohol: Consuming alcohol or controlled substances, being intoxicated, smoking, or using tobacco products on library premises is not permitted.
9. Patron Dress Code: Patrons must wear shoes and appropriate clothing (no swimming suits, no offensive slogans on t-shirts/sweatshirts). All patrons must wear clothing that conceals the midriff and underwear.
Closure Policy
The library is closed on:
New Year's Day
Saturday before Easter Sunday
Saturday before Memorial Day
Memorial Day
4th of July
Saturday before Labor Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day and Friday/Saturday after
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
In addition to the above holidays, the library may be closed for inclement weather any day that Westwood Community School is canceled.